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Fire Suppression Video
Click Here to View Quick Coupler/Sprinkler Head Hookup Instructions

Motorola Radio protocol in emergency situations:
  1. Turn dial to emergency channel, the radio will make an indicator single beep sound when on this channel.
  2. Press side button on radio and wait the for "open clear channel" sound before speaking. Please note the emergency channel will not override or interrupt other conversations. Please be aware you may hear a "busy signal" and you will not be able to make a radio call until the channel is open. The emergency channel will activate an "all radio call" on this frequency, which is the emergency component.
  3. Speak clearly and calmly. Indicate your name, department, location, be specific and ask for emergency assistance ambulance, fire, or police.
  4. Be certain you have confirmation of being heard.
  5. Follow the instructions you are given from the other person on the radio.
  6. Make a secondary call out for back up assistance & first aid supplies.
  7. Stay at the emergency site until you are relieved.

Mobile Phone protocol in emergency situations:
  1. Call 911
  2. Speak clearly and calmly. Ask for emergency assistance - ambulance, fire, or police. Indicate your name. Place of business - Bear Mountain Golf & Tennis Resort Community. 2050 Country Club Way.
  3. Follow 911 operator instructions.
  4. Make a secondary call for back up assistance & first aid supplies.
  5. Plan for a pilot vehicle to meet the EMS at the closest entrance to the first aid location on our property.
  6. Stay at the emergency site until you are relieved.


Contact Bill Quin and/or John Morrison for golf course irrigation-related problems